Because dogs savor the world through scent, we make gently aromatic plant-derived remedies that comfort dogs and their humans without overwhelming their sensibilities.

We’re Back!

On June 15, 2023, an F2 tornado de-roofed my father's house in NW Ohio. Although the house was declared a total loss, we left the house alive and uninjured.

We appreciate your patience during the past several months of cleaning up, rebuilding, setting up new distribution, and now moving back in!!

Current stock is 2oz Canine Calm and Buzz Guard sprays, and hope to be completely restocked in September.

While traveling back and forth between Illinois & Ohio, there may be short delays in shipping, so if you can’t wait, please check with local retailers, or order from KatiesPetProducts and

Please note that we now ship FREE via USPS Ground Advantage Shipping in the continental US.

Canine Calm® can relax and comfort dogs during thunderstorms, fireworks, boarding, grooming, training, adoption, crating, hospice or clinic visits.

Guard Well® is a must-have in your first aid and wellness kit to help soothe cuts, scrapes, scratches, hot spots, yeasty ears, sneezing, dry skin or itching.

Buzz Guard® helps you play more, worry less with natural insect protection that can soothe irritated skin when outdoor adventures have ended.

Travel Calm® can help unwind fear of confinement or movement, and settle restlessness, drooling, panting, whimpering nausea or vomiting.

Relax and comfort your dogs during unsettling times…

“When thunder and winds started at the tail end of a tornado, I rubbed CANINE CALM around Zoe’s ears, head, neck and belly. Within 10 minutes, she was laying quietly at my feet...calm and relaxed.” – Jean W, Florida

Gently Aromatic Comfort

Dogs respond well to scent and touch. Proper use of essential oils can help create a calm environment, soothe itchy or irritated skin, quiet digestive upsets, repel insects, create a bonding experience, promote positive behavior modification, and improve health.

Play more, worry less with natural insect protection…

“BUZZ GUARD is my go-to spray for keeping mosquitoes and flies at bay in the barn and on the back porch. For me, my dogs and my horses this wonderful fine mist spray smells great, isn't sticky and disappears quickly into the skin and coat! I love it!” – Gina D, Texas

Plant-inspired remedies

We use 100% plant-derived ingredients … nothing synthetic.

A must-have in your first aid and wellness kit…

“GUARD WELL is always in my pet first aid kit. If the dogs have a little cut or other injury, I can just spray it with GUARD WELL and allow it to heal.” – Julie H, Colorado

Responsible Aromatherapy™

Our conservative approach to using essential oils protects pets, people, plants and the planet.

Unwind fear of travel and settle upset tummies…

“It can't be this easy! I used TRAVEL CALM to stop my dog from vomiting in the car – simply sprayed it on her dog seat. No vomiting! Just a happy dog that wants to go for car drives now!” – Ann M, Halifax, Nova Scotia